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Sterlite Copper ramps up critical healthcare in Thiruchendur, Thoothukudi & Kayalpatinam, adds 142 oxygen beds to government hospitals

  • Helps ramp up medical infrastructure preparedness for COVID relief
  • Renovated third floor at Government Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital along with 70 oxygenated beds and other Covid care related medical equipment.
  • New 30 bedded facility with oxygen cylinder and other Covid care related medical equipment at Government Hospital, Kayalpatinam
  • 42 bedded facility, of which 10 critical care beds along with intensive care equipment like ventilator and Patient monitor systems at Government Hospital, Thiruchendur.
  • Provided 142 oxygen beds to the Thoothukudi, Kayalpatinam and Thiruchendur Government Hospitals
  • Over INR 2 crores worth of Covid care related medical equipment support provided in the district

Thoothukudi, June 27, 2021: With the nation reeling under the ravages of the pandemic, Sterlite Copper has undertaken a range of efforts to ensure that critical healthcare services continue to be accessible to the people of Thoothukudi.

Spreading its initiatives across multiple healthcare levels including government hospitals, urban health centres (UHC), primary health centres (PHC) and private care centres in Thoothukudi and Thiruchendur, the company has strived to ensure that urgent healthcare is easily accessible to those in need.

This includes renovating the third floor in Government Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital, adding 70 oxygen beds, distributing 75 jumbo oxygen cylinders with a capacity of 7000 litres each to multiple healthcare providers, which can help defend against oxygen shortage. Additional infrastructure support has been provided to health centres in the form of overhead tanks, fire detection and fire-fighting systems, and other medical infrastructure essentials.

42 beds, including 10 critical care beds and 32 oxygen beds have also been provided to the Thiruchendur Government Hospital along with Covid care medical equipment to support relief measures in the area.

In addition to ensuring availability of oxygen, vital medical tools have also been provided to government hospitals in Thoothukudi, Thiruchendur, kayalpatinam, PHCs Mappillaioorani

Pudhukotai, Kailasapuram, UHCs in Madathur, Ganesh Nagar, Fatima Nagar, Threspuram, Cruzpuram, Tharuvai Road and Mullakadu.

Healthcare Providers supported
Private Corona Care centres
Government Headquarters Taluk Hospital – Thiruchendur
Urban Health Centres  – Madathur, Ganesh Nagar, Fatima Nagar, Threspuram, Cruzpuram ,

Tharuvai Road and Mullakadu

Primary Health centres – Pudhukotai, Mappillaioorani and Kailasapuram
Kayalpatinam Government Hospital
Government Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital
Sterlite Copper’s Healthcare on Wheels project

The medical tools provided to the government hospitals ranged from Nebulisers, Oximeters, Suction machines and Bipap machines, all of which are essential for critical COVID patients and other emergency cases.

Sterlite Copper has successfully generated and dispatched over 1217 MT (as on June 26) of liquid oxygen to over 23 districts in Tamil Nadu. A new cylinder bottling unit has also been set up to capture and distribute gaseous oxygen.  These initiatives have together helped support thousands of lives in their fight against COVID.

Vedanta has been at the forefront in the fight against the second wave of COVID-19 by supplementing the efforts of the central and state governments by committing to build 1,000 critical care beds in 10 locations across India to support COVID-19 patients. Mr. Anil Agarwal, Chairman of Vedanta, has pledged INR 150 Cr this year to help the country in its fight, over and above the INR 201 Cr earmarked by Vedanta last year for providing relief to those affected.

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